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Get a quoteThe government has announced a one year delay to controversial changes to the off payroll working rules, due to be enacted next month
Read MoreIn the first Budget since October 2018, new Chancellor Rishi Sunak has set out a comprehensive set of measures to support business and households through the coronavirus crisis
Read MoreBuy-to-let landlords have turned negative on their investments due to higher taxes and greater regulation, according to research from property development firm Accumulate Capital.
Read MoreHMRC has published details of proposed legislation for administering refunds to taxpayers who made voluntary payments prior to settling the loan charge.
Read MoreHMRC has published the latest advisory fuel rates (AFR) for company car users, effective from 1 March 2020 cutting mileage rates for Diesel and Petrol vehicles with 2000cc or more by 1p per mile
Read MoreThe UK government has reintroduced the naming and shaming of employers who fail to pay their employees the National Minimum Wage (NMW) or the National Living Wage (NLW).
Read MoreThe UK will become a cashless society within the next 15 years unless the government takes action, according to the Access to Cash Review.
Read MoreThe IR35 rules were originally introduced in 2000, with the object of making sure that any individual hired for work via a personal service company, in circumstances which suggest an employer/employee type relationship, pays taxes at the same levels as “on the books” workers.
Read MoreTax reforms are starting to have an impact on the property investment market, with the estimated number of landlords in the private rental sector falling to a seven-year low
Read MoreLatest figures from HMRC show that two million taxpayers are not using the benefit, with only 1.8m signed up to the marriage allowance.
Read MoreHMRC raided 1,082 homes and businesses last year as part of criminal investigations into tax evasion, numbers are falling as HMRC has access to more targeted information
Read MoreHMRC has announced that changes to the off-payroll rules will only apply to payments made for services provided on or after 6 April 2020.
Read MoreThe number of taxpayers who missed the self assessment deadline rose to 958,296 this year, according to data published by HMRC.
Read MoreChanges to the National Insurance Contributions (NICs) threshold will see 31m individuals receive a tax cut in April
Read MoreHMRC has modernised time to pay arrangements for taxpayers who are unable to pay their bills allowing them to renegotiate everything online rather than talking to HMRC
Read MoreNew rules which are due to be introduced on 6 April this year mean those liable for CGT must send a new standalone online return to HMRC
Read MoreThe Chancellor has revealed the Brexit coin, a 50p inscribed ‘Peace, prosperity and friendship with all nations’ and the date the UK leaves the EU
Read MoreVengeful witches and pet hamsters feature in HMRC's list of imaginative excuses and expense claims, which has been published
Read MoreThe government has backed down on the original time frame for loan charge compliance giving taxpayers who signed up to schemes approved by HMRC before 2015 greater leniency
Read MoreThe government has vowed to undertake a revamp of the current student loans repayment system.
Read MoreBrearley & Co Accountants are pleased to offer a free, no obligation, initial consultation with one of our experts who will be happy to discuss your business needs and how we can help you.