Home News Business News Important Update: New Digital Service for Veterinary SICs


Important Update: New Digital Service for Veterinary SICs

Starting 15 July 2024, all Special Import Certificate (SIC) applications must be submitted through a newly launched digital service.

This change follows the introduction of the new special imports digital service in January 2024, designed to enhance ease of use, security, reliability, and accessibility.

Key points for UK veterinary surgeons who hold and supply imported medicines:

  • The old online special import scheme will be decommissioned on 15 July 2024.
  • If you have not yet registered for the new digital service, it is essential to do so before this date.
  • Post 15 July 2024, SIC applications will only be accepted via the new digital service.

For wholesale dealers:

  • A new digital service for applying for Wholesale Dealer Import Certificates (WDICs) will also be available from 15 July 2024.
  • This service is for dealers who hold and supply imported medicines to valid import certificate holders.

Veterinary professionals and wholesale dealers are encouraged to transition to the new system promptly to ensure uninterrupted access to the necessary certificates.

For further information and a helpful video, see: https://www.vmdconnect.uk/new-import-service

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